المكسرات بجميع أنواعها Nuts

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Nuts such as walnuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts are considered good because of their good taste and...

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Nuts such as walnuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts are considered good because of their good taste and many benefits. Some argue that nuts lead to obesity and that they contribute to weight gain because they are high in fat. However, this belief was denied by many studies that confirmed that the fats obtained from nuts are mostly unsaturated fats and full of omega-3 beneficial to the body.Of the types of nuts, walnuts are rich in unsaturated fats, potassium, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Also, walnuts help to feel full, balance the level of sugar in the blood, and help remove toxins from the body.Also among the types of nuts, Brazil nuts, Brazil nuts are very useful because they contain selenium, a mineral that acts as an antioxidant and is very beneficial for the health of the body. Brazilian improve mood.Nuts are also one of the types of nuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts are considered nuts and have many properties, including helping to protect the heart and strengthen the immune system because it contains magnesium. Nuts also play an important role in reducing cholesterol because they contain monounsaturated fats and fiber. Weight because it contains fiber. Hazelnut also contains vitamin B and folic acid, which improves neurological health and memory and solves motor function problems. Hazelnut also helps moisturize the skin because it contains important oils. Hazelnut increases milk in mothers as well, so it is recommended to eat a handful of nuts daily. In order to have good health.Also among the types of nuts are almonds. Statistics indicate that eating 40 grams of almonds a day lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and helps to normalize the blood pressure level and helps the blood vessels to relax. 23 almonds contain healthy fats for the heart, six grams of vegetable protein and four grams of Dietary fiber, almonds also greatly help to expand blood vessels, which improves blood flow and adjusts the level of pressure in the body.Also, because almonds contain magnesium, it improves brain and bone health, mood, sleep, and regulates blood sugar and blood pressure levels.Experts also point out that almonds contain beneficial bacteria for the body, as it helps the body to grow in a healthy and sound manner.Also from the types of cashew nuts, cashews are a food source with unsaturated fats in addition to being a rich source of energy, proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, cashews help reduce bad cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure due to the presence of magnesium, cashews also help in the health of the nervous system and muscles, Also, cashews are very useful and works to regulate blood sugar and maintain the health of cells. Cashews also maintain healthy teeth and bones. Cashews are also very effective in losing weight because they contain fiber. Cashews maintain healthy eyes.Also one of the types of pistachios, pistachios have antioxidant properties and prevent infections in the body, also pistachios contain a lot of proteins, which helps to reduce weight, also pistachios contribute to lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and regulates the level of sugar in the blood. Pistachios also enhance iron absorption, improve eye health, promote healthy skin, and improve the health of the nervous system.Nuts are very useful, as we have seen, because of the beneficial properties that benefit the body and prevent infections in the body.Application featuresWorks without an internet connectionSimple and easy designIt contains all kinds of nuts and their benefitsIt is constantly updatedFinally, if you like our application, the types of nuts and the benefits of nuts, spread it among your friends so that the benefit will prevailIn social networking sites.We are glad to receive your suggestions so that we can work on providing more.Finally, if you like our application, the types of nuts and the benefits of nuts, rate it with five stars to encourage us to provide more to you.This work is purely for the sake of God Almighty. We hope that our application will gain your admiration for the types of nuts and the benefits of nuts, and we are always waiting for your evaluation and suggestions.May you be healthy and happy